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AsthmaRangers is a fun club for kids with asthma of all ages.

We meet up on the AsthmaRangers Facebook and Twitter sites

to get creative and battle against asthma dangers together.

At AsthmaRangers, kids can help other kids with asthma AND win prizes by getting creative and posting photos, drawings, selfie-videos, poems, raps and songs on our Facebook and Twitter that show how THEY battle the asthma dangers in their life and prevent asthma attacks.

What Does It Take to Be an AsthmaRanger?


1. AsthmaRangers are kids with asthma of all ages -- from kindergarten to college -- who are taking charge of taking care of themselves! They are reading and learning and arming themselves with kids-asthma-knowledge. They are getting active in working with their parents and doctors to solve their asthma issues and prevent asthma attacks.


2. AsthmaRangers tackle asthma dangers wherever they find them. From the smallest to the tallest asthma danger of them all -- the air pollution spewing from coal-burning electricity power plants. AsthmaRangers get rewarded when they shout out what they find out about asthma dangers with fun, creative posts on our AsthmaRangers Facebook and Twitter. Woof!

3. AsthmaRangers ask grown-ups to be CLEAN POWER HEROS and take two minutes to help battle air pollution. Grown-ups can now give kids and pets with asthma the precious gift of breathing cleaner, healthier air by choosing wind electricity through their regular electric company.

Ready to start winning YOUR PRIZES? Join now!


If you're a kid with asthma, we want YOU!

Join  fun and run with our team!
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