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Sniff out the triggers in your area and build your NEIGHBORHOOD Battle Plan!


Every neighborhood is unique when it comes to asthma dangers. How close you live to a busy street, the types of trees and bushes that are planted and the types of businesses that are located nearby can create asthma traps if triggers are not recognized and managed.

With this tip-list compiled by your furry four-legged friends at, you can sniff out asthma triggers lurking in your neighborhood to uncover asthma-dangers.

Sometimes the triggers you find will be easy to fix, but sometimes it can take some planning. The important thing is to know what you're dealing with, so dig right in and be sure to tell your parents what you discover. Then work together to build a battle-plan to manage asthma dangers.


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POST pictures and videos to show what YOU know on our AsthmaRangers Facebook and Twitter! Get creative and get lots of likes to rack up points toward YOUR prizes while YOU help other kids with asthma.



Neighborhood Triggers





Home Location Matters
Woof! Woof! Let's get ready to GO!

The AsthmaRangers NEIGHBORHOOD
Trigger Patrol-and-Control Mission!

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Asthma is a serious medical condition.
It is extremely important for kids with asthma to talk to their parents and doctors about information they find on this website and any of the other websites that are linked to this website.

Medical information changes constantly and some info on websites linked to this website may not be current/complete.

ONLY parents and doctors and other professionals can answer questions about any kid's specific condition and medical treatment plan. Woof!


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