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Many kids with asthma take medicines to help prevent attacks before they happen and to help stop attacks after they start.

Before these medicines were approved for doctors to prescribe to their patients, all of these medicinces were given to volunteers under the supervision of a doctor in what is known as a clinical trial.


The companies that make asthma medicines try out new medicines by giving them to healthy adults first to make sure that the medicine is safe.

Then, after a medicine passes safety testing, the medicine is given to patients who have the medical condition that the medicine is designed to help, under the supervision of a clinical trial doctor. This helps to ensure that the new medicine works to help a specific medical condition.


Many doctors believe that it is very important to conduct clinical trials of new asthma medicines and dosing schedules with kids as well as adults.

Now many companies that make medicines for asthma are including children in clinical trials for new asthma medicines.


AsthmaRangers has partnered with CureClick to make it easy for parents to find out if clinical trials are available in their area and if their child qualifies.

Click here to complete a short screening questionnaire for a current clinical trial.

Clinical trials are the final step in creating NEW medicine options for kids with asthma


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Asthma is a serious medical condition.
It is extremely important for kids with asthma to talk to their parents and doctors about information they find on this website and any of the other websites that are linked to this website.

Medical information changes constantly and some info on websites linked to this website may not be current/complete.

ONLY parents and doctors and other professionals can answer questions about any kid's specific condition and medical treatment plan. Woof!


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Real kids with asthma are getting involved and creating new hope for kids with asthma!
There are many reasons that parents consider enrolling their child in a clinical trial of a new asthma medicine.
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