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This is Awesome News!
Grown-ups who click to CHOOSE CLEAN ELECTRIC
help kids with asthma breathe cleaner, healthier AIR!

Thanks to new consumer laws, grown-ups who CHOOSE CLEAN ELECTRIC for their home are STOPPING more than 6 tons of air pollution per year -- and it only takes 2 minutes!


Why kids with asthma need grown-ups to click to CHOOSE CLEAN ELECTRIC


Asthma doctors agree that air pollution is the biggest and baddest asthma trigger of them all. But most people don't know that most of the air pollution that is driving the kid's asthma crisis comes from electric power companies.


Power companies are burning dirty coal and other fossil fuels to make most of the electricity that we use in our homes! And they are burning it right in the heart of our communities.














Kids' asthma rates are off the charts!


In many city neighborhoods, more than 1 in 3 children have asthma. But air pollution travels on the wind and asthma strikes kids everywhere. Millions of kids in suburban and rural communities are afflicted too.

Air pollution is getting worse
and more kids are getting sick


Our pollution problems are terrible and they are getting a LOT worse because power companies are burning MORE coal and other fossil fuels than ever.


Demand for electricity keeps growing. We are plugging in more computers, air conditioners and cars, and more kids are getting asthma than ever!


But we can put a stop to it NOW 







nothing changes but the air pollution


Nothing changes in how the electric works. It is exactly the same.
After grown-ups click to CHOOSE CLEAN ELECTRIC they still get their bill from their regular electric company and still call them if the lights go out.

And the cost for CLEAN ELECTRIC through
the AsthmaRangers program is about the same
as for dirty coal and fossil fuel electric


The electric company is required to start buying the customer's share of the electricity that flows into the grid and back out to the homes
from CLEAN sources 
-- not from dirty fossil fuel-burning power plants that make kids sick!


No more air pollution!


Grown-ups, will you take 2 minutes to stop air pollution and help kids with asthma breathe easier?


to create cleaner air
for children in your community

you also support our free, fun
asthma safety training
for children and teens!

Like the Girl Scouts sell cookies

to raise funds

to support their activities,
AsthmaRangers sells clean electric!

Thank you for your support!



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Now it's fast and easy for grown-ups to stop air pollution to help kids with asthma breathe easier

It only takes about 2 minutes

online for grown-ups to CHOOSE CLEAN ELECTRIC through their regular electric company.

Choosing clean electric





Hurry up grown-ups, the time to




Hello. I'm your AsthmaRangers mascot A.R. Puggy. I'm the expert around here on asthma and air pollution.

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