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Survive school triggers and build your SCHOOL Battle Plan!

Your TOP priority is to make SURE that every member of your school team has a copy of your current personal asthma School SAFETY Plan and your parent's phone number. Remember to update the phone number if your parent's phone number changes and/or if they change jobs.


School is where kids go to get smart, but schools can be asthma traps. With this tip-list, you and your parents and teachers can work together to build a battle-plan to rid your school of asthma-dangers.

Look here for a checklist of all the things schools can do to create an asthma-safer school.


POST to WIN YOUR prizes!

POST pictures and videos to show what you know on our AsthmaRangers Facebook and Twitter! Get creative and get lots of likes to rack up points toward YOUR prizes while YOU help other kids with asthma.


School forms and school rules keep kids safer



How colds and flu hurt kids with asthma


Safer school supplies can help kids with asthma


Fumes from idling buses and cars and pesticides



Woof! Woof! Let's get ready to GO!

The AsthmaRangers SCHOOL Trigger Patrol-and-Control Mission!
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Asthma is a serious medical condition.
It is extremely important for kids with asthma to talk to their parents and doctors about information they find on this website and any of the other websites that are linked to this website.

Medical information changes constantly and some info on websites linked to this website may not be current/complete.

ONLY parents and doctors and other professionals can answer questions about any kid's specific condition and medical treatment plan. Woof!


Our Content, Prize and Privacy Policy helps keep kids safe online.


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